
The apartment hunt, day 3: conclusions.

Last night was far too time-consuming and exhausting for the minimal number of apartments that we ended up seeing. Somehow three apartments took us close to three hours and completely wore us out. We need to work on our endurance if we're going to get through the 10+ places on our schedule for today.

So here's how it went:

1) Williamsburg

I take back what I said about being murdered by Craigslist Lady. First of all, Craigslist Lady was a man. Secondly, (s)he was very nice. So I feel bad for thinking that he was planning on scamming and/or knifing us (and also for thinking that he was a woman).

He showed us two places in Williamsburg, about a 5-minute walk from the L at Bedford Avenue. The first one was nice and the second one sucked. But we're meeting him again today to look at more places.

2) Park Slope

Holy hell. Not only did this landlord have no intention of meeting us at the apartment, instructing us instead to call the super and ask her to let us in, but he also gave us the wrong address (how is that possible?) and sent us wandering around Park Slope for half an hour (we had to stop two guys on the sidewalk and ask them to look up maps on their iPhones). When we finally found the place, it turned out to be a shotgun apartment rather than a railroad apartment (these terms really should not be used interchangeably) and only had one closet. In the entire apartment.

My favorite aspect of the apartment, however, was the fact that the bathroom was too small to accommodate a sink, mirror, and towel rack - so they were outside the bathroom. In the kitchen. See below for reference:

That's almost too funny to be sad.

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