
Moving and furnishing, day 2.

Today had ups and downs. Let's start with the downs - that way I'll get it out of my system faster, and we'll also end on a positive note.

Firstly, Sleepy's completely butchered my bed delivery. Despite telling me over the phone that my bed was scheduled to come between 9am and 1pm today, the delivery was actually in their calendar for next Saturday. I realized this at 12:30 today, after calling to check the status of a delivery that turned out not to be happening. No amount of grumbling could convince the Sleepy's man to give me my bed today, so I rescheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Since Sarah is also planning on getting her bed delivered from Sleepy's tomorrow, we picked the same time slot in hopes that the two beds will arrive at the same time - but since Sleepy's has already proven itself capable of being wrong by an entire week, I probably shouldn't get my hopes up.

So that was today's major pain in the ass. Also on the list of ass pains were the two holes that Ikea failed to drill into my desk prior to packaging it, which forced me to do some funky jerry-rigging instead of following the directions correctly - but that was only a minor setback in an otherwise successful series of Ikea DIY projects.

And I think the positives outweigh the negatives. We met the building's super, who seems like a very nice and amenable guy. He's still got some work to do on our bathroom mirrors and our dishwasher, but he's planning on having everything nice and tidy by Tuesday afternoon. And he has an adorable baby girl that I like looking at.

I've also got more than half my stuff moved in, and so far things are fitting without a problem. It's even looking like my closet will be big enough for all of my clothes, which means I may not need to buy an additional chest of drawers. I've still got a few piles left in my parents' living room, but I'm pretty positive it'll all fit in the closet. Having one less piece of furniture would be a big plus.

So that's where I left off today. Now I'm headed out to East Hampton to join my family for a much-needed week of vacation. I'll have to do some hardcore decorating when I get back to Brooklyn next weekend, because right now the place is looking pretty bare:

But Sarah and I have some pretty strong nesting instincts, so I'm sure we'll have a cozy-looking home in no time. Things are pretty scattered right now - but the more we unpack, the more we are totally in love with our new place. It will still take a little while to get fully settled, but we're really excited to finally be moving in.

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