
The Village Voice: more or less sketchy than Craigslist?

While I've been pretty devoted to Craigslist as the internet mothership of apartment-hunting, Sarah may have found a potentially less-sketchy source of apartment listings in the Village Voice. Since the Voice's online classifieds page is formatted exactly like Craigslist (and since it's the Voice), there's a fair chance that these listings will turn out to be just as (if not more) sketchy than the Craigslist posts we've been surfing. Still, something about the fact that they're loosely tied to a legitimate publication makes us feel a little bit better. So we're giving it a shot.

Relatedly - these next two weeks are going to be our hardcore apartment-hunting weeks (since moving to a new place on August 1st requires having found a place to move before August 1st). No more of this meandering around Williamsburg and stopping for cocktails every 6 blocks in the interest of "exploring the neighborhood." We're placing phonecalls, making checklists and Google spreadsheets, and hitting the pavement hard until we find the perfect chick pad. Only once we've signed a one-year lease on our dream home will we resume getting tanked in hipster bars every single time we see each other.

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