
Employment updates.

So the past few weeks of blitz-attack job applications and repeatedly dumping my portfolio on every creative director in New York has finally paid off. I have three very part-time jobs, and I'm meeting with a lot of people in the graphic design world in an effort to make sure that the graphic design world knows who I am by the time I graduate and need a real job (I guess that's called "networking").

First, the jobs.

1) Computer slave for a computer-illiterate rich man.

An old friend connected me with this one. Basically this middle-aged dude doesn't know how to use a laptop, so he hires children of the digital age to do things for him. Right now I'm making his son's Bar Mitzvah montage for $20/hr.

2) Office assistant.

For my aunt. Who's a gynecologist. I'm learning a lot about girl parts.

3) Assistant art counselor.

This is decidedly my most enjoyable gig. I do arts and crafts with children. There is glitter involved ... and lollipops.

So all that is making me money and keeping me busy. My supposed networking efforts are going well too - it's good to meet people in the industry and gather their sage advice, and a lot of people have given me really helpful critiques of my portfolio. Granted, they're not immediately scooping me up and offering me contracts ... but I didn't expect that to happen. At least I have a solid list of people to contact a year from now when I need a job that doesn't revolve around pom-poms and rhinestones.

Also, I'm taking out loans next year. So the constant stress of looking for silly part-time jobs can end in September when the federal government decides to pay me to go to school.

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